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Instrument Tools
Scattering Tools


Instructions on optional parameters

You may specify one or multiple optional parameters as follows for simulating powder diffraction pattern in the format of parameter=value, separated by comma (,) if multiple. For example, type in the optional parameter box to start simulating. The default values are listed as follows.

  • bank=4 : the neutron time-of-flight banks from 1 to 6. Default bank 4. Not valid for x-ray.
  • xmin=0 : for x-ray, the minimum 2theta value of x-ray powder diffraction pattern data range. Default value 0. For neutron TOF, the minimum TOF value has been pre-set for each bank, in units of microsecond.
  • xmax=30 : for x-ray, the minimum 2theta value of x-ray powder diffraction pattern data range. Default value 30. For neutron TOF, the maximum TOF value has been pre-set for each bank, in units of microsecond.